John Welch & Stammers
Be prepared for any eventuality.
Trying to connect to a server but getting no response?
Ah, that’s what that black box in the corner of the office is for! Why has it stopped working and why did it have to stop working whilst we were all working from home?
The above scenario is a real one. We see it every month. Companies have in-office servers which are great, except for when they stop working and haven’t been backed up for weeks. Then the problem becomes a whole lot bigger! Especially when the whole office can’t work or access key files and systems. Are you and your business open to this risk? Could this happen to you? What would be the impact if it did?
Secure back-ups shouldn't be an afterthought.
If your company relies on in-office servers and equipment to run your business and if you don’t have a disaster recovery plan in place, then you are at risk! It’s a considerable risk for the whole future of your business as well.
A good disaster recovery plan will ensure in the event of a systems failure or attack, all of your systems can be turned back on within hours so ensuring there is limited damage for your business.